1966 Basketball game half time,
Bob Schmack, Al Kern, Carl Kleine, Ralph Fries, Tom Franzak, Jim Jaenel, and Jim Nowakowski
RAM-page 12 18 1964
D 208 Class Picnic - Al Kern & Joe Bartosiewicz
Remembering home room teacher, Brother Henry
FRESHMAN MATH with Father Dave Wanat, Tech Log '63.
SOPHOMORE YEAR Bill Schiller and Jeff Heaney waiting for Mr Wysocki, Tech Log '64.
JUNIOR YEAR Al Wurglitz left and Joe Bunge (28) lower the boom on Weber's running back Chico Kurzawski. Tech Log '65...What 'til N e x t Year!!!...
ATHLETIC APEX Jim Murphy and Ken Warzynski on the Boards. SENIOR YEAR Basketball - Varsity goes 12-0 in Conference, Baseball - Brother Frank takes the reins and has a "troublesome year" (Tech Log '66) - Football - Varsity goes 5-1 in Conference and it was the year We bested Weber, 29-6! ...Tech Log '66.
Taken after a basketball game or after a sock hop. Top row L to R: Jim Jaenel, Al Kern, Carl Kleine, Bob Schmack. Bottom row L to R: Jim Nowakowski, Jack Olichwier, Ralph Fries
Senior Prom 5/6/66. On the left Jack Olichwier and his date Janice Janowiak. On the right Bob Schmack and his date Sue Kloc. (FYI - we both got dumped the next day)
from the Tech Log Freshman year 1963.
Right after graduation in '66 Bro Frank took 4 of arguably the best student-athletes in GT history! :-) From L to R: Bro Frank, Tom Franzak, Joe Bunge and Steve Gerhardt, to California on a 2 week trip! The 4th, Jack Olichwier, took this picture. For more on this trip, ask us at the reunion!!
Coach / Mr Telkes still @ 3633 N California Ave 60618 submitted 5 [five] photos, March 2015, of a previous GTHS get together [have to get more details - When, Where...]. Left (L) to Right (R) ? unknown, Bill Batka GTHS Class of 1963, Mr Telkes, Mike Batka GTHS Class of 1966, Byrne GTHS Class of 1966.
Greg Bryne, GTHS Class of 1966, Fr Nowak CR, Weber 1950 ?, taught, Former Alumni Director @ GTHS.
Fr Walter Wilzcek CR, Principal, teacher at GTHS 1960-1973, url of obit in In Memory section of this web site, photo-s are Pre Sept 1 2010; and Fr Gene Szarek, current Director of the Congregation of The Resurrection (CR) of USA.
Coach Mr Clarence Telkes (@ GTHS/DdPp 1960 - now) and Coach Tom Winecki (1965-2001).
The Hardware - Current GT Trophy case in the Gym Lobby. Note IHSA Trophy (1980) and Chicago Prep Bowl photo, lower left (1982) - from Mr Clarence Telkes, posted 4 7 2015,
More hardware - Jack Olichwier with The Cup.
George Weinand and Tom Retzke - Graduation Day
Graduation Day 1966
Mr. Peter Morrison (L), Mr. William Massarelli (R), John Pawlak (C)
Graduation Day 1966 - Gym
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